Abandoning the life he so desperately wanted Warren roams the sea ports of the Atlantic, searching for a way to replace the emptiness in his chest, by filling the pit in his Anubian stomach. Bitter and angry with the Masons about his current state, he feeds his vindictive appetite on unsuspecting humans as he struggles reluctantly to dismiss his past. While the Masons expand the depths of their immortal ranks and continue to defend threats against their secret society, Warren accidentally happens upon another immortal race . . . The Amons. Being one of the last remaining ancient tribes that holds the power to assist him they are not pleased that he has found them. In a furious pursuit to urge the Amons to help, Warren finds himself forced to choose preserving his own life, or a tempting alternative that will lead to a horrific addiction. When his hunt for the Amons eventually collides with a past that has been desperately trying to catch him, the events of their meeting result in a catastrophic reunion that threatens the lives of everyone involved.
My Thoughts:
I liked this book even better than the first. (See my review here.) A unique take on old legends, which I enjoyed. This time Warren runs into another group of immortals, the Amons, which are similar to vampires. There are some new characters in addition to returning characters. I don't want to say too much, just don't get too attached to anyone because you never know what is going to happen. There were so many twists that I was glued to this until I finished. I'm still a little disturbed by the eating people thing, but I seem to be getting used to it. I want the next book right now. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !
*Notes: Blood and gore, people are eaten
My Source: author
Where to get it:
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I am so glad you enjoyed the story and thank you for taking the time to review it.
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You can find me at goodreads.com and on facebook. I have yet to learn twitter but could be so enticed if there were enough response.
You are welcome! I enjoyed the book and think others will, too. I included your links above with the review. Let me know if you decide to join the dark side. I mean, Twitter. It's lots of fun but I always spend more time there than I intend. :)