
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Interview and Giveaway: When Honey Got Married...

When Honey Got Married
by Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, and Ally Blake

Entangled Publishing - May 2013

I am pleased to be part of the When Honey Got Married blog tour. Read on for an interview with authors Kimberly Lang and Kelly Hunter, and a chance to win a $40 Amazon gift card. Click the banner above for a list of the other blogs participating. See my 5 star review of When Honey Got Married here.

Interview with Kimberly Lang and Kelly Hunter

Describe your ideal writing space. How does it compare to reality?

I have an office that I love – full of books and inspiring art and a place for the dog (named Cupid) to nap.  I wish it were a bit tidier, but alas, it is always a complete disaster (with books and promo items and empty tea mugs everywhere).  So, if I were a bit more organized, the space I already have would be ideal!

There would be raindrops on windows and a crackling wood fire, and kittens with whiskers trying to take over my comfy chair. There would be cups of tea and easy-listening music. My laptop would work All The Time and have awesome screen clarity and crispness. With the exception of the computer specs, my writing space is a lot like this (in Winter, anyway ;). Come Summer, me and my laptop head outdoors for hours at a time.

What is the first story you remember writing and what was it about?

I came to writing late – while I was at home caring for babies and young children. My first story was about a taciturn cattleman and a single mother who’d come to a small country town in order to give her son a better life. Years later I dug that story out, rewrote it (completely), and sold it. It’s called ‘Wish’.

In fifth grade, I wrote a short story called “The Bride Wore Red.” I remember it was a gothic-y, ghost romance, but not much more.  I also remember that I got into big trouble for writing that instead of the solar system assignment we were supposed to be doing.

Name a memorable book from your childhood. Why is it memorable?

Time at the Top by Edward Ormondroyd. Time travel, children solving a mystery to change both the past and the future, a little romance, mysterious disappearances… it has everything.

All of Enid Blyton’s stories remain vivid in my mind, particularly the ones where parents were absent and children went on grand adventures. The Famous Five. The Adventurous Four. I suspect my enchantment with Enid started with The Magic Faraway Tree…

If you could ask any writer (living or dead) a question, who would it be and what would you ask?
I’d ask Harper Lee what else she’s written. For herself.

I’d ask Barbara Cartland how she managed to be so prolific (over 700 books) and still manage to have such an interesting life outside of the job.

If you could pick any of the worlds or characters you have created, which would you want to visit or spend a day with?
I write contemporaries, so the “worlds” are just our world, only more fabulous. So any of them would be wonderful!

If I could spend a day in ‘When Honey Got Married’ world, I would. I’d take my co-authors Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, and Ally Blake with me and we’d spend it ogling all the beautiful people, places and things whilst sipping mimosas. Ally Blake made a Pinterest board of Honeyworld and the characters in it. Take a look. Honeyworld is gorgeous!

What is one thing you like to do when you are not reading or writing?
Every now and then I’m on for a TV or Film marathon. We’re talking the entire extended cut Lord Of The Rings trilogy back to back, or an entire season of the one TV show. Having said that, it’s not a sit there, concentrate and don’t move a muscle deal ;). I do a bunch of other household stuff while it’s on.

I recently started taking ballroom dance lessons, and I’m really enjoying it. I’d love to have more time for lessons so I could get really good at it (or at least good enough to not have to count under my breath all the time or step on people!).

What are you currently working on?
I’m working on my next Harlequin KISS, which takes me back down to New Orleans at Mardi Gras (one of my favorite cities at the most interesting time of the year) that’s tentatively scheduled for Feb 2014. It’s a duet with the very talented Aimee Carson and we’re quite excited about it.

About six different projects at the moment. A rural novella, a short category romance, a longer single title story, a few short stories. And I can’t settle to any of them! I need to pick one and get going.

Book Information:

Title: When Honey Got Married (Anthology)

Author: Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, and Ally Blake

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Length: 277 pages

Release Date: May 2013

Imprint: Indulgence

More about the book:

Where to get it:

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About the Authors:

Kimberly Lang

Bio: USA Today bestselling author Kimberly Lang believes that romance should have both sizzle and sass. A former ballet dancer and English teacher, Kimberly now does yoga and writes the kind of books she always loved to read. She’s a Southern belle with a trouble-making streak and a great love of strong heroes and even stronger heroines. Visit her website at

Anna Cleary

Author Website

Bio: Anna Cleary is an affectionate Australian who discovered that writing is an even more powerful means of escape than reading. To this end she writes romance novels that are flirty and funny, sometimes weepy or dramatic, always emotional, and often piping hot.

Anna enjoys her family and friends, adores music and the arts, has an ongoing love affair with Italy, and is kept under constant surveillance by a thoughtful and deeply sensitive cat.

She loves to hear from readers. Write to her at

Kelly Hunter

Author Website

Bio: Australian born Kelly Hunter is a USA Today bestselling author, a three  time Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and loves writing to the short category romance form. Visit her at

Ally Blake

Author Website

Bio: Australian writer Ally Blake is a redhead, a footy fan, a devotee of the language of Aaron Sorkin; she is addicted to stationery and M&Ms, weak in the face of Italians and firefighters, married to a spectacular and ever-patient man, mum to three beings of pure delight, and a firm believer in love, luck, and fairies. She is also a best-selling author with more than twenty-five fun, flirty romance novels under her belt with over three million copies of her books sold worldwide. For Ally’s take on life, writing, and other fancy stuff, head to

The Giveaway:
Click the link below for a chance to win a $40 Amazon gift card from the authors.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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