
Friday, May 10, 2013

Audio Review: Best Laid Plans by Elaine Raco Chase

Best Laid Plans by Elaine Raco Chase

Take a trip back to 1983. There was no TSA and people smoked on airplanes. (The airplane scene actually happened to me and the nun!)

This was New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina – a place I fell in love with and visited a half-dozen times. Alas, some of the restaurants I knew are no longer in business and menu prices certainly have changed.

Fashion – is still fashion! The styles come and go, but somehow are reborn again and again.

While it was a sensuous romance when it was first published, it was fun to amp things up!

Meet Amanda Wyatt – she had an eight year plan and accomplished so much more. Attractive, talented, she was a success whether she was designing high fashion or running her own elegant shop in New Orleans. And she had a friend with benefits relationship with –

Lucas Crosse, her lawyer and the brother she never had for twelve years. He knew her intimately - well almost. Now, he's decided he wants that, too. And he's ready to fight for Amanda with –

Wade Lloyd. He entered Amanda's life by accident. Now he wants to be a permanent fixture. But can he handle her success? Can he handle Amanda? Can he handle her friendship with Lucas Crosse?

As for Amanda – she has choices to make. A new, exciting love? Or a best friend whose benefits she's begun to dream about.

My Thoughts:

Amanda and Lucas have been best friends for twelve years. When Lucas comes to visit after not seeing one another for two years, they start to discover feelings they never noticed before. But will getting together ruin their friendship? Then a new guy steps into the picture and Amanda has some decisions to make. This was a lot of fun, with 80's fashions and decorating, bantering between comfortable friends, and plenty of steam.  They were both great characters and I was rooting for them to get together, waiting for them to get their act together already. But they had to adjust to seeing one another in a new way. 

Jill Arehart did a nice job on the narration. She has a great voice for it. She brings the characters to life and does an admirable job with the French that is thrown in. 

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

My Source: author

Audiobook Information:
Author  Elaine Raco Chase
Title  Best Laid Plans
Narrator  Jill Arehart
Publisher  Elaine Raco Chase
Abridged or Unabridged  Unabridged
Length of Production  7 hrs 15 min
Year of Publication  2013

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:
Elaine Raco Chase
Triangle Variety Radio where she hosts The Author's Corner every Thursday night 8pm EST

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the great audio review - love Jill Arehart's narration...she also did Lady Be Bad....


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