
Monday, January 14, 2013

Review: Video Vixen by Elaine Raco Chase

Video Vixen by Elaine Raco Chase

"Good girls finish last, Daniel, and I've always been at the head of the class." That's what Vixen Mallory would say, and Vikki Kirkland was saying it now -- to Dan Falkner, ace reporter who'd come to do a story on the soap opera and the star that had taken the cable network and viewer-ship by storm.

Welcome to Sodom's Crossing, just south of the equator -- well actually downtown Manhattan! From her billboard in Times Square to her rare vertical photos in Playboy - the world was finding it easy to be Vixen-ized.

Vikki had sworn to her fellow cast mates on Always Tomorrow that she would protect their secrets by being the sexy, unscrupulous siren on-camera and off - to the hilt. Making sure that investigative reporter Dan Falkner would focus on the illusion rather than the sweet, shy woman Vikki really was.

There was just one problem -- Vikki never imagined how easy it would be to enjoy being a vixen and take what she wanted. And she found she wanted Dan Falkner more than she had ever wanted any man.

My Thoughts:
I loved watching Dan try to figure out Vikki/Vixen. When Dan comes to do a story on show, her castmates are afraid of their secrets coming out, so they try to distract him with Vixen, since Vikki has no secrets. And Vikki enjoys her role. There is lots of fun banter between them, and plenty of steam.

I listened to the audiobook. Sheila Book has the perfect voice for this one. She is a great narrator, I just wish she would stop casting "aspirations" on people's character. She could also use a tiny pause sometimes when switching POV because it can get a bit confusing. Other than that, the narration is excellent.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!

My Source:

Where to get it:

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