
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Author Interview: Synithia Williams

This week please welcome Synithia Williams. She is the author of You Can't Plan Love and the recently released Worth the Wait. Both are reviewed here at WiLoveBooks.

About Worth the Wait:
When a virgin frustrated by her nonexistent dating life asks a playboy for a one-night stand, can they really ignore their attraction after the affair?

After Tasha Smith is dumped yet again because of her virginity, she decides it’s time to stop saving herself for marriage and start dating like women in the twenty-first century. She sets out to find a man rumored to be good enough in bed to relieve her of the nuisance, but discreet enough to keep her request a secret.

Jared Patterson seems like the perfect candidate. Yet after one searing kiss, she wonders if she’ll escape a night with him unscathed. Jared’s job as a successful fitness instructor and entrepreneur has helped him keep a string of meaningless relationships from the east to the west coast. After learning the hard way that women can’t be trusted, he has no qualms going from one sex-only relationship to the next. Although Tasha is one of the few types of women he avoids—a good girl—the man in him can’t turn down her tempting offer.

What starts out as a onetime thing quickly turns into an affair neither want to stop. But when an unexpected situation drastically alters their relationship, it leaves them both asking if it was Worth the Wait.
And now for the questions:

Describe your ideal writing space. How does it compare to reality?
My ideal writing space would be at a beach house in the Caribbean in a room overlooking the ocean. My actual space is my kitchen table with the sound of football coming from the family room and a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

What is the first story you remember writing and what was it about?
I was six and made the cover out of wall paper. It was about two sisters who ran away to live in the woods. The younger sister was attacked by a jaguar and the older sister fought it to save her younger sister’s life. I think the oldest sister died killing the jaguar, and the younger sister buried her and left the knife on the grave. Yes, I’ve always been overdramatic.

Name a memorable book from your childhood. Why is it memorable?
I was a big fan of The Boxcar Children and the Babysitters Club. I loved stories of kids who were doing cool and impossible things. You had to be pretty smart and resourceful to survive in a box car and the girls in the Babysitter’s Club made the pre-teen and teenage years look awesome.

If you could ask any writer (living or dead) a question, who would it be and what would you ask?
A friend recently sent me a picture of Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman to publish a book in the U.S. I would be neat to talk with her and ask what motivated her to write and publish her book.

If you could pick any of the worlds or characters you have created, which would you want to visit or spend a day with?
It would be a character I’m writing now. She’s a lover of life, and if an idea strikes her interest she pursues it. Whether it’s cooking classes, music lessons, or traveling to Mexico just because the thought popped into her head. I don’t have the freedom to do that, but it would be great if I could.

What is one thing you like to do when you are not reading or writing?
I love spending time with my family. I have two boys (3 and 5) and my husband and I like to host get togethers with family and friends. If I’ve got an entire afternoon to myself, I’ll spend it watching Netflix.

What are you currently working on?
Finishing revisions on the book I mentioned earlier so that I can start submitting it to publishers in the next few weeks. I’ve also completed work on my third novel, A Heart to Heal, with Dr. Devin Jones friend to Malcolm and Jared Patterson.

Synithia has loved romance novels since reading her first one at the age of 13. It was only natural she would begin penning her own soon after. It wasn’t until 2010 that she began to actively pursue her dream of becoming a published author. She completed her first novel, You Can’t Plan Love, in the fall of 2010 and sold it to Crimson Romance in 2012. When she isn’t writing, this Green Queen, as dubbed by the State Newspaper, works to improve air and water quality, while balancing the needs of her husband and two sons.

Where to find her:
Synithia Williams


  1. I am nominating you for the Liebster award. Please go to my blog page for more information.

  2. Synithia,
    It was very nice getting to know you better. Lovely post. Here's wishing you many sales!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  3. Ooh for an afternoon alone! I'd do exactly the same as you Synithia :) Great interview! Hope Worth the Wait sells squillions x


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