
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Want to help an author?

A message from author Bellakentuky:

Voting has started for the America's Next Author Nominees. In order to get my story in front of a panel of industry professionals who will evaluate it based on its true merit, I have to get public votes. I'm hoping you might be willing to help me. It doesn't take much, a couple of clicks. If you're willing- here is the link: Once you're on this page you have to find my story. Click the banner at the top that talks about the battle between authors. There are fourteen authors pitted against each other in seven scenarios. You can vote on all seven if you want, or, just keep voting until you get to mine if I'm not in the first one that pops up. After each vote, you would click the NEXT BATTLE button until you find me. I'm a guy holding two cats. My author name is Bellakentuky and the story is titled, The Power of Fine Furniture. 

The story is great and I have reviewed another story he wrote, A Matter of the Mind. So if you can, click the link and give him a vote!

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