
Monday, December 10, 2012

Review: Winter Fairy by Lola Karns

Winter Fairy by Lola Karns

Recuperating ballerina Penelope Glazier can enchant the young girls in her Fairy Dreams class, but will her magic work on Carson Langley, the sexy but straight-laced single father of her most talented student?

Widowed doctor Carson Langley didn’t know what surprises him more at his six-year-old’s dance recital, that his reticent daughter is the star of the show or that the attractive teacher, Penelope Glazier, seems to have gotten through to his girl. Too bad she considers teaching a temporary job before she returns to her professional touring company. Even if he were willing to take a risk with his heart, he has to protect his daughter, Eloise.

Free-spirited Penelope Glazier doesn’t believe the stories she heard about Eloise. All she sees is a creative girl who needs some direction and she’s the perfect person to provide it while she recovers from a near catastrophic injury. After spending time with Eloise and her by-the-book father, she recognizes that despite their differences, they have a connection.

When Penelope lands a plum part will she dance out of Carson and Eloise’s life forever? Or will she take on her riskiest part ever?

My Thoughts:
With the snow falling outside it seems appropriate to be writing about a book called Winter Fairy. This was just a beautiful story and I loved it. I was drawn to the characters right away. Carson is a widower who puts his daughter first, and Penelope is a dancer who never considered a family of her own. They seem very different because he is practical and she is creative, but they compliment one another, and they are brought together by his daughter Eloise. It is very sweet, emotional, and touching. A highly recommended romance read.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!

My Source:

Where to get it:

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