
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Review: Taken by Storm by M.J. Schiller

Taken by Storm by M.J. Schiller

Born from the fire of a palace coup, the relationship between the king of Avistad’s son Prince Tahj and the captive girl Bashea burns with a passion that neither of them quite understands. The pair is drawn closer together as they face enemy soldiers, a screaming panther, even the scathing winds of a desert storm.

After what she has been through, Bashea is afraid to trust and her fiery nature is both what appeals to Tahj and what drives him crazy. It takes a long separation to bring them back to each other, but when Tahj does return, it is once again during a battle with his greatest enemy, Lord Boltar. But now Lord Boltar, who has been forced beyond reason by Tahj’s success in retaking the throne, is an even more dangerous threat than before. Reunited, will Tahj and Bashea be strong enough to defeat their twisted and powerful enemy?

My Thoughts:
I really could not put this book down. I was intrigued by the characters and the setting. We have the tough, feisty heroine and the sweet, honorable hero in a dangerous desert world with the palace and royalty on one end of the spectrum and sheepherding nomads on the other. Although the story wasn't completely unpredictable, I enjoyed watching it unfold. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves to get caught up in another world and likes their romance sweet and behind closed doors.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!
*Notes: There is some violence and reference to rape but nothing is graphic.

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  1. Five stars! I loved this book, too. Looking forward to your upcoming books, M.J.!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  2. Thank you so much, R.T.! I am looking forward to Christmas break so I can finish up your upcoming book, "To Fly in Shadows." Can't wait for the trailer, too!

  3. Thank you, again, Brinda and WiLoveBooks, for taking the time to read "Taken by Storm." I'm absolutely thrilled you liked it! And thank you for the service you do for both readers, who are looking for a great read, and writers, who have a story to share. Wishing you my best!-mj


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