
Friday, December 14, 2012

Review: Broadway Dreams by Leigh Morano

Broadway Dreams by Leigh Morano

Kelly was born to be a star. Unfortunately she was born into a world with more starlight than starlets. Despite the fact that most of her friends had surrendered to the idea that they would be part of Midwestern small town life for the rest of their lives, Kelly believed differently. When she looked up at the evening sky, the stars above her seemed to spell out her name, as if they were demanding that she be something more.

Kelly dutifully attended community college, but she found it difficult to succeed at something that she had so little passion for. She loved acting in high school plays and decided she was better off taking a chance and giving her Broadway dreams a shot. With the reluctant blessing of her family, Kelly took the great leap of moving to New York City. She had an grizzled old uncle who lived on a funky houseboat in the big city, and he was willing to take her in.
Kelly worked as a bartender and the work was her refuge. It was a hole in the wall waterside bar that was frequented mostly by locals.

It had been six years since she arrived in New York City and just as her belief in dreams had begun to fade, into the bar walks Chase. He was very handsome,rich and way out of her league, however, he was very attracted to her.
After a hot and sexy first night together, they experience high drama and tension during a powerful relationship.

A fling with some stranger had not been part of her New York actress plan.
So far it had left her sharing a houseboat with her alcoholic uncle, and working at a dive bar just to make ends meet. None of the Broadway dreams she had journeyed to the city with and come to fruition. Maybe, she thought to herself, it was time to give up and move back home.

Will she find true love with Chase ?
Will her Broadway dreams come true ?
Will she give up and move back home ?

My Thoughts:
This was just right for a short romance. A quick read, but a whole story. I like Chase. He is a sweet guy and puts up with Kelly even when she is very stubborn. I even teared up a bit at the end. Nice story if you need a quick, steamy romance fix.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

My Source: author

Where to get it:
Where to find the author:
Amazon Page

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