
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel by Nina G. Jones - Blog Tour

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He was a pig, a jerk, selfish, callous, crude, tactless, prone to outbursts and gorgeous. The kind of gorgeous where you didn’t even attempt to hide the fact that you were staring. I knew the type: His entire life he has coasted on his good looks, artificial charm, and sex appeal. Everyone wanted to be on him or be him. I had been hurt by jerks like him before. He was like those guys but far worse.

I was the unfortunate sucker to be offered a gig I desperately needed as his live-in chef for a Summer in the Hamptons. But I wasn’t like the other girls, the models and socialites who came through the revolving door of his bedroom. I would bite the bullet, take the gig, deal with his sexist comments, his expectation that I would fawn over him, and have no problem letting the door hit my ass on the way out when I was done. 

But then something unexpected happened that changed everything and I realized that there maybe more to him than the labels I had affixed to his character. Maybe. But if he really wanted me, it wasn’t going to be easy, not like everything else in his life. He was going to have to work, I was going to make him miserable. He was going to hate wanting me just as much as I hated myself for wanting him back.

Heath Hillabrand: International Supermodel. Womanizer. 

Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel.


"You're a big boy," I said, lifting his legs up.
"You're an angel," he murmured, woozy from the booze.
I used all of my might to push him in further, and slipped on the rug, falling on his chest. Our faces were within inches of each other, and yes, there was that pause, that moment of: should we or shouldn't we? But unlike before, he didn't jump at me. He respected me now, and it only made me enjoy him more.
"Alright, goodnight."
"Goodnight," he smiled warmly.
I meandered back to my bedroom, still heady from the wine. This quiet evening was the most pleasant one I had in a long time and I felt a surprising sting of sadness going back to my room alone.
I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I missed him. Like Heath, I too didn't want to be alone. I couldn't remember the last time I felt that way. It wasn't just physical, it's that feeling you had as a kid when you met a friend you liked so much that even though you spent all day with them at school, as soon as you got home you would call them up.  Or the way you might stay awake as long as you could at a sleepover because no matter how tired you were, sleep was not nearly as enjoyable as the conversation with your friends. I wasn't ready for our time together that night to end.
The wine in my veins made me shameless enough to follow through.
I tip-toed to his room and slowly opened the door. In my gut, I hoped he might be asleep and I would change my mind.
"Is everything okay?" he asked almost as soon as I stepped foot in the room.
"Yes, I couldn't sleep." What the hell are you doing? Tell him you're here to check in on him as his new nurse—yeah, that's the ticket!
"Oh, me neither. It hard with all this crap on me," he said in an amused whisper. He was as close to a mummy as I had ever seen.
"I don't want to be alone tonight."


Heath is a gorgeous supermodel and user of women. Sadie has agreed to be his live-in chef and assistant, but she is determined not to get involved with him other than professionally. He's exactly the type she always goes for and knows she shouldn't. Sadie gets confusing sometimes. She can't make up her mind, she runs hot and cold. It is entertaining, though. And really, I can see why she's torn. He's used to women falling at his feet and she's a challenge. I really did not want to like Heath at the beginning of the book. I didn't think it was possible. He grew on me, though. By the end of the book I was rooting for him. This ended up being a fun read, with a few tears thrown in. If you like reformed bad boys, I think you'll like this one.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

Meet the Author

Nina G. Jones was born and raised in Bronx, NY and currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with her husband and two crazy Boxers.

She is the author of the Strapped series, and is currently working on an Erotic Romance, Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel, slated to be released in Spring 2014. 

Nina lives a pretty wholesome life, but is fascinated with the dark side of things and has the mouth of a sailor. She loves watching true crime TV shows and it creeps her husband out to no end. Nina has a degree in Psychology and uses her characters as a vehicle to explore the human psyche.

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