
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Love Zombies of San Diego by E.Z. Graves - Blog Tour Review

Description: Love Zombies of San Diego by E.Z. Graves is a young adult zombie story that's a bit different. Josh is a zombie but he knows he's different from the grunting, mindless dead things he sees wandering all over the streets of San Diego. Josh doesn't breathe or have a heart that beats, but he does think, and brains are not his food of choice. He walks the streets, killing zombies with his trusty sword called Rockstar. Josh's concern that he might be the only one of his kind is dispelled when he sees Tasha, who's obviously confused and talking to herself. Tasha's a bit doubtful of Josh's theory that they are both Love Zombies, born of zombies and capable of thought and speech. They team up with other teenage Love Zombies and hatch a plan to find the source of the 'Old School' Zombies and eradicate them.

My Thoughts:
A different take on zombies. The whole love zombie thing was a little tough for me to get on board with. Written from the pov of a teenage boy zombie. It was just hard for me to connect with. There is plenty of action along with some science and social issues. There is a lot of zombie killing but the gore is not overly descriptive. Just a little icky for me.  Younger readers who love zombies may connect with this better.

My Rating: ***
Steam Factor: !!!
*Notes: Some ick factor. Violence, gore, but not overly descriptive.

My Source: blog tour

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:

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