
Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Tour Review: Saving Raine by Frederick Lee Brooke


Matt, Raine went to California because her parents thought it was safe. It’s not. You’ve got to get her out as soon as possible. She could die, Matt.

When 19-year-old Matt Carney gets a cryptic message from his father telling him to go to California and save his girlfriend, Raine, he doesn't hesitate—he grabs his AK-47, revs up his blue pickup, and gets ready to make the 2,300-mile roadtrip.

But cross-country travel in 2021 isn't easy—or, sometimes, even possible. The U.S. has become a near-military state: 17,000 checkpoints severely restrict interstate movement, Predator drones target innocent civilians without cause, and explosions rock cities daily. Matt and his stepbrother, Benjy, face deadly attacks from a corrupt government, ruthless local law enforcement, and bloodthirsty terrorist groups as they embark on their trek. They're about to find out that their trip is much more than a private journey, and their success could change the face of the country—forever.

Can Matt and Benjy outrun the drone missiles raining down on their heads? Can they avoid assassination by government officials hell-bent on taking over what little is left of the country? Can they outsmart the deadly schemes set in motion against them?

Break the rules.
Save the girl.
He only gets one chance before she's gone forever.

My Thoughts:
This is the first book of a new series and sets up an interesting dystopian near-future that is scarily realistic.  After Matt's father is arrested, he gets a message that he needs to get across the country to save his long-distance girlfriend. Getting there is not as easy as it sounds. There is plenty of action and suspense and the story moves right along, although the storyline is split between several different characters' points of view. I found that a bit distracting at times because I forgot who was supposed to be the main character and what they were trying to accomplish. There are a lot of loose threads at the end to be continued in the next book. 

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!
Language, violence, some graphic parts.

My Source: blog tour

Where to get it:
Amazon (print and ebook)

About the author:

Frederick Lee Brooke launched the Annie Ogden Mystery Series in 2011 with Doing Max Vinyl and following with Zombie Candy in 2012, a book that is neither about zombies nor sweets. The third mystery in the series, Collateral Damage, appeared in 2013.

Saving Raine, the first book in Fred’s entirely new series, The Drone Wars, appeared in December, 2013.
A resident of Switzerland, Fred has worked as a teacher, language school manager and school owner. He has three boys and two cats and recently had to learn how to operate both washing machine and dryer. He makes frequent trips back to his native Chicago.
When not writing or doing the washing, Fred can be found walking along the banks of the Rhine River, sitting in a local cafe, or visiting all the local pubs in search of his lost umbrella.

Where to find the author:

Follow the Saving Raine blog tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an intriguing series in the make. Thanks for the review!


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