
Friday, January 17, 2014

Review: Will Proles' Rise by P J Willett

William Proles knows he is a member of the underclass. His friends are pathetic, his mother is insipid, his teachers are useless and his tormentors are animals. If only there was a way he could change it all...

William just wants to complete the next two and a half years of secondary school, and remain relatively unscathed. A long career where his culinary expertise is celebrated, by even the most gastronomically experienced of food critics, awaits – then he will be able to look after his family properly. He will buy his sister some proper toys, get his Mum the help she needs, and maybe finally start talking to his brother again. It is only when William starts to think about why his life is so miserable that he realises he has the power to change everything much sooner than planned. He doesn’t have to be a member of the underclass anymore. William Proles can rise.

Will Proles’ Rise is a contemporary, coming-of-age drama, with an undertone of urban fantasy. It is a story about an admirable boy who endures a miserable existence, until he realises he has the potential to change things. The more Will Proles realises that he doesn’t have to endure his miserable existence, the less admirable he becomes.

My Thoughts:
Will is a responsible 13 year old who takes care of his family and gets bullied at school. He is a very likeable character. Then he discovers he has powers that he can use to change his situation and battles with himself over doing the right thing morally, legally, and socially. A good story about bullying, friendship, growing up, and learning the difference between right and wrong. It grabs your interest and keeps you reading. Recommend for teens and adults.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !
*Notes: Some darker themes: alcoholism, drug use, negligent parents.† The bullying gets pretty intense.

My Source: author

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:
WLB Interview

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