
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review: Live by Mary Ann Rivers

If there’s an upside to unemployment, Destiny Burnside may have found it. Job searching at her local library in Lakefield, Ohio, gives her plenty of time to ogle the hottest man she has ever laid eyes on: the sexy wood-carver who’s restoring the building. But as the rejection letters pile up, Destiny finds an unexpected shoulder to cry on. With his rich Welsh accent, Hefin Thomas stirs Destiny so completely that, even though he’s leaving soon, she lets herself believe the memory of his scorching kisses will be enough.

Hefin can’t help but notice the slender, confident woman with ginger hair who returns each day, so hopeful and determined. So when the tears start to fall, his silence—penance for a failed marriage—finally cracks. Once he’s touched her, what Hefin wants is to take her back to Wales and hold her forever. But Destiny’s roots run too deep. What they both need is each other—to learn how to live and love again.

My Thoughts:
I absolutely adored this book. I love the writing, the descriptive language. You can picture Hefin and Des's freckles and how she trips over the trailing ends of her lust. The characters feel so real and the emotions are so raw. I dare you to get through a book by Mary Ann Rivers without tissues. Des and Heffin are just so perfect together. The only problem is geography. Hefin is going back to Wales but Destiny's family is in Ohio. It is difficult to see a solution that works for both of them, without one of them giving up too much. I highly recommend this one, but don't forget the tissues.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!!
*Notes: Some strong language.

My Source: NetGalley

Where to get it:

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