
Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Tour Review and Giveaway: Oenone by Agatha Rae

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Evelyn Dax is in love with her new boss, Jeff Richards. She does not want to reveal her feelings because of their professional relationship, however when Jeff asks her to accompany him during a business trip, the two spend a passionate night together. Although attracted to Evy, Jeff decides to limit their relationship to business-related issues only, as he is afraid of any commitment. Soon after coming back to the office in Boston, Jeff faces a sabotage plot against him triggered by one of the board members of the company they both work for. He is given a difficult task to accomplish and if he fails, he will lose his job. Laura Levinson, Evy’s best friend, learns she suffers from breast cancer and, with the support of her loving husband Bruce, she undergoes traumatic chemotherapy. While weakened and discouraged by the lack of progress with her treatment, she meets Alyssa, a healer, who miraculously helps her recover completely from her illness. Encouraged by Alyssa’s magic, Evelyn decides to seek her help regarding Jeff’s lack of attention. Soon the healer’s intervention is visible; Evy spends a passionate night with what appears to be an imagined entity introducing itself as Jeff. At the same time, the real Jeff’s feelings towards Evelyn begin to change drastically and the more often the intimate distractions, first pleasant, later on disturbing, happen to Evy, the more Jeff resents her. Shortly after Laura’s recovery, Bruce is diagnosed with lung cancer. All of these strange events cause Evy to begin wondering who Alyssa really is...

This is an interesting story about two best friends who work together. Evy has a crush on her boss but the situation is complicated. Laura finds out she has breast cancer. The story goes back and forth between the two friends. About halfway through the story Laura seeks the help of a healer and things start to take a bit of a supernatural twist. I enjoyed the story. There is some jumping around of POV between not just the two friends, but minor characters as well. I recommend this if you like stories of romance and friendship with a touch of the supernatural.

Meet the Author

Agatha Rae is living in Gdynia, Poland. She has published several books, including a book for ESL teachers "Teaching English Through Culture, Teaching Culture Through English", a collection of essays analyzing popular culture "Popkultura - pop czy kultura?" and her debut novel "Oenone". Agatha's articles have been published both in English and Polish in numerous Polish magazines, for example: Forum for World Literature Studies, The Teacher, Top Guitar, Kino and Perkusista. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Gdansk.

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