
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Review: Game by Anders de la Motte

Game by Anders de la Motte


Follow the rules and everybody gets hurt . . .

One Sunday morning after a long night of partying, Henrik “HP” Pettersson, a slacker with a lot of ego and very little impulse control, finds a cell phone of an unfamiliar make on a commuter train. Through insisting and slightly uncanny messages that refer to him by name, the phone invites him to play a game. HP accepts without hesitation.

The rules are that HP must complete tasks that range from childish pranks to criminal acts, as allocated by the mysterious Game Master. HP is the perfect contender—alienated from society, devoid of morals, and desperate for fame. His completion of the assignments are filmed and uploaded onto a protected server where viewers rate the Players’ performances.

The Game starts out innocently enough and then becomes increasingly risky, threatening the safety of someone close to HP. He is determined to become a superstar, but when the dark and tragic secrets of his family’s past are at stake, HP must make a choice. Will he suffer the humiliation of defeat, or will the need to win push him to the limit—no matter the cost?

First in a fast-paced and riveting trilogy, Game will leave you guessing. Follow the rules, andeverybody gets hurt . . .

My Thoughts:
This book is fast-paced and full of suspense. Kept me guessing all the way through. The story alternates between HP, a guy who clearly isn't above breaking a few laws, and Rebecca, a police officer and body guard. It is unclear for a while what the connection is or how their paths will cross, but the two POVs really move the story along. How they come together is completely unexpected. HP is an interesting guy. Even when The Game takes a turn and they're after him, he still wants to be part of it. He doesn't always make the most logical decisions, which makes him so fun to read about. This is a trilogy and the ending definitely leaves you wanting more. Can't wait to read the next one.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!
*Notes: Language, illegal drug use, some violence.

My Source: NetGalley

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:

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