
Monday, December 9, 2013

Review: Sneaking Candy by Lisa Burstein

Sneaking Candy by Lisa Burstein 

All I ever wanted was to make a name for myself as Candice Salinas, creative writing grad student at the University of Miami. Of course, secretly I already have made a name for myself: as Candy Sloane, self-published erotic romance writer. Though thrilled that my books are selling and I have actual fans, if anyone at UM found out, I could lose my scholarship…and the respect of my faculty advisor, grade-A-asshole Professor Dylan.

Enter James Walker, super-hot local barista and—surprise!—my student. Even though I know a relationship is totally off-limits, I can’t stop myself from sneaking around with James, taking a few cues from my own erotic writing…if you catch my drift. Candy’s showing her stripes for the first time in my real life, and I’ve never had so much fun. But when the sugar high fades, can my secrets stay under wraps?

My Thoughts:
Candice is a grad student in creative writing and writes erotic romance under the pseudonym Candy Sloane. Doesn't want anyone at the university to find out because she is afraid of what would happen. She meets a hot barista and makes a date with him only to find out he is completely off-limits. They end up getting together anyway and she is afraid to like him too much. She had a bad experience with an ex and is afraid of getting too close. She doesn't want to get caught because of what could happen at the university.  Candice is super funny and this is just a fun read. We get glimpses of a writer's life, which is fun. And Candice is trying to reconcile the different parts of her personality to be who she truly is. And I can't forget James who is just amazing and understanding and adorable.  I just loved this book and recommend it to any romance reader.  

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!

My Source: InkSlinger PR

Where to get it:

About the Author:
Lisa Burstein is a tea seller by day and a writer by night. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University. She is the author of the YA Novels: Pretty Amy and Dear Cassie and the NA Novella: The Next Forever. Sneaking Candy is her first full-length new adult novel.

Where to find the author:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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