
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Review: Public Relations for Authors by Babs Hightower

Getting help to promote your book just got easier. Public Relations for Authors Take Hold of Your Own Promotions will help you locate that special publicist who will help you promote your book the right way. As a Publicity Director for two publishers Babs brings knowledge to the book.

Public Relations teaches you why you need a publicist and how to find the right one for you. To understand what you need she covers:

How publicity can help sell books
What you need to know about publicity
Writing Pitches
Media Kits
Press Releases
Where to find a PR agent
What to send to your PR agent

My Thoughts:
These days, authors do it all. This is a quick, easy read with practical tips for getting the word out about your book. It has tips that are useful for authors at any stage of the game. If you have written or are writing a book, unsure what to do next, definitely check it out. Even if you think you have it covered, you may pick up something new.

My Rating:  *****

My Source: author

Book Info:
File Size: 1965 KB
Print Length: 29 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Babs Hightower (October 22, 2013)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

Where to get it:

About the author:
Babs Hightower has been helping authors since 2000. She owns a book review blog Babs Book Bistro which got her started in PR and helping authors promote themselves. In 2012 she started working for Entangled Publishing and worked her way up to Publicity Director of the Scandalous Imprint. She is also the publicist for World Castle Publishing. She is also known as Morgan Kincaid writer of Historical Romance.

Where to find the author:
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