
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Review: Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst

Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst

Kate has given up on love—at least for herself. She is both blessed and cursed with the ability to sense a romantic connection between two people—a gift that her family passed down for generations. When Kate launches her own matchmaking company, Kinnection, with her two best friends in a cozy New York town, she has to put aside her own romantic disasters to make her business a success.

But when a furious man stalks into her office and accuses her business of being a scam, Kate is given the ultimate challenge to prove herself. Slade puts himself in her hands and asks Kate to find him love. Enraged at his arrogance but stubbornly eager to prove herself, Kate agrees, dedicating herself to the journey of finding him love...only to find herself falling for him along the way.

My Thoughts:
The cover makes me think of an angsty new adult novel, but it's actually a really fun romance with a bit of a paranormal twist. Kate has the ability to sense connections between people and uses that for her matchmaking business. So far she has been unable to find anyone for herself, but has matched her own dates with their soul mates, leaving her lonely. Slade, a divorce lawyer, comes in trying to protect his sister, sure it's a scam, but ends up challenging Kate to find him a match. Of course when she touches him, she finally finds the connection she's been looking for. But Slade's not a relationship guy. There are some laughs, some tears, and some really great characters, including a super cool dog. A really good read.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!
*Notes: Language.

My Source: NetGalley

Where to get it:


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