
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Review: The Guardians by T.M. Franklin

The Guardians by T.M. Franklin

It’s not every day a girl discovers she’s not entirely human and unlocks hidden powers strong enough to make even the First Race take notice. Then again, Ava Michaels is no ordinary girl.

Now, the Race’s Ruling Council wants her under their control, and that’s just the beginning of her problems. Her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, has disappeared—accused of betraying the Race—and Ava herself is implicated in a crime she didn’t commit.

Clearing their names will mean uncovering a web of deceit and intrigue with Ava woven right in the center. To unravel the strands, she joins forces with some unlikely allies; a Protector who once haunted her nightmares, a young girl with secrets as unexpected as Ava’s, and a group of rebel Guardians who have their own fight against the Council.

Together they stand in a battle to find the truth, bring Caleb home, and secure Ava’s freedom—not to mention save her life.

My Thoughts:
I loved this. I thought it was even better than the first. Lots of surprises and suspense.  We find out more in this one and there are more secrets. I now love Tiernan. Who would have thought? Looking forward to the next!

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !

My Source: NetGalley

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:

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