
Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog Tour Review and Giveaway: Outlaw Muse by Lauren Linwood

Separated from her twin during the Orphan Train selection, schoolmarm Serena Sullivan searched for her brother Bill for over fifteen years. Just as she gets a lead on his whereabouts, she is railroaded by a crooked sheriff and set to hang for the murder of the sheriff’s best friend.

English playwright Daman Rutledge has come to the American West on business for his brother when he witnesses a woman about to be executed. On impulse he rescues the beautiful stranger and goes on the run with her. Along the way Daman finds the muse he's been missing and loses his heart to the raven-haired beauty with haunting amber eyes.

As they try to outrun the long arm of the law, Daman seeks to prove Serena's innocence before it's too late.

My Thoughts:
I really liked this. Serena is just about to hang when Daman comes along and decides on impulse to rescue her. He is a playwright from London who hasn't been able to write since he lost his muse and is in the area on business for his brother to keep his mind off things. Now he has to keep Serena from getting caught. They are immediately attracted to one another and need to figure out what to do next. They have different agendas because she is looking for her twin brother and he plans to head back to England soon. The romance is very sweet and there is a bit of excitement as well, with running from the law and encountering gunmen out to rob them. The ending seemed somewhat abrupt, though everything comes together nicely. I really enjoyed this.
My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!
*Notes: Past abuse is discussed.

My Source: blog tour

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:
Amazon Author Page

About the Author:

As a child, Lauren Linwood gathered her neighborhood friends together and made up stories for them to act out, her first venture into creating memorable characters. Following her passion for history and love of learning, she became a teacher who began writing on the side to maintain her sanity in a sea of teenage hormones.

Lauren’s novels focus on two of her favorite eras, medieval times and the American Old West. History is the backdrop that places her characters in extraordinary circumstances, where their intense desire and yearning for one another grows into the deep, tender, treasured gift of love.

Lauren, a native Texan, lives in a Dallas suburb with her family. An avid reader, moviegoer, and sports fan, she manages stress by alternating yoga with five mile walks. She is thinking about starting a support group for Pinterest and House Hunters addicts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting me today, Brinda, and letting me share a little about OUTLAW MUSE with your blog readers!


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