
Monday, July 15, 2013

Review: You and Tequila by Crystal Donahue

You and Tequila by Crystal Donahue

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila… Score!

Cassel Bailey's life hasn't exactly turned out how she planned. Between the tragic death of her parents, a brother that practically despises her, and working her way through nursing school alone, she's learned to stay guarded, relying only on herself and her friends for love and support. Over time they’ve become her surrogate family. So when one drunken night at the bar lands her in bed with her close friend, Will Tanner, it threatens to change their otherwise platonic relationship forever. Life as she knows it suddenly begins spinning out of control as she struggles to understand her conflicted emotions.

Guided by her authoritative best friend, Tina, and her quirky next-door neighbor, Rita, Cassel must decide between fighting to keep her friendship with Will alive, or going with Plan B and risking it all for something more.

Just when she thinks she knows what she wants, Cassel is bullied into caring for a patient that, unbeknownst to her, played an important role in her sad past. The stunning secret this person reveals about her former lover, Dane, threatens to open up previously healed wounds and leads Cassel to question not only the career she loves, but where her heart truly lies. Everything she thought she knew about life, love, and promises is shattered like an empty bottle hitting the floor.

One thing is for certain, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade... when life gives you limes, you grab some salt and a bottle of tequila and learn to take it one shot at a time.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed this. After one drunken night in bed with one of her best friends, Cassel is worried about losing their friendship. She is very confused and not sure what she wants to do, but Will lets her take her time to figure it out. Some of my favorite parts were Will teasing Cassel about tequila and their back-and-forth about the Packers and the Bears. (I live in Packer country.) Very funny.  I loved reading about how these two friends and how they attempt to overcome the obstacles that get in their way to become more.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!
*Notes: Language.

My Source: author

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    ~~Crystal Donahue


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