
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Review: Rocket Man by William Elliott Hazelgrove

Rocket Man by William Elliott Hazelgrove

Dale Hammer is trying to find his part of the American Dream. But he just can't keep up. In a story of hilarious consequences, we find Dale in one week accussed of cutting down the sign to his subivision, plagued with a father who has come to live over his garage, and on the hook for being the Rocket Man of his son's Scout Troop. While the price of the American Dream has become nothing short of being rich and famous, Dale heads for the the catastrophe of Rocket Day with one mission--to give his son a sense of independence, and in the process, find himself. ...LAUNCH!

My Thoughts:
Dale seems like an average guy. He could be any middle-age, middle-class white man in America. He bought a house with a mortgage he can't afford, moving his family from the city to the suburbs, and now he's regretting it. He's pretending to write, though he hasn't written anything new in years. He is lousy at the job he has. He has become self-absorbed and is just starting to realize what is going on. His relationships with his wife and kids are suffering, and he fears he is turning into his father. Now he has to try and fix things. There are some very real and believable issues here, while being entertaining at the same time. The topics are treated seriously, but also with humor. While not the type of novel I would typically pick up, this was an enjoyable read and I found the writing style easy to get into.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !
*Notes: Strong language.

My Source: author

Where to get it:

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