
Friday, July 12, 2013

Review: The Golden Crystal by Nick Thacker

The Golden Crystal by Nick Thacker

In 1791, two men began planning the layout for the nation’s capitol city. One is shunned and resigns in disgrace, and the other is all but forgotten. Years later, an original copy of the plans–long thought to have been destroyed– is found, with hastily marked notations by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.

During the second World War, American military scientists discover some fascinating properties of the hydrogen atom and its link to an ancient mystical number. The exact findings are never published, but a national laboratory is built in 1943 to further their research in covert silence. America is told it is a defense project, code-named ‘The Manhattan Project.’

An ego-maniacal entrepreneur and his company, Vilocorp, will stop at nothing to build the “perfect” human specimen. His firm’s research has been getting closer every day, but they seem to have uncovered a horrific, ancient secret that has been locked away for thousands of years.

Now, it’s up to Bryce to understand the mystery surrounding the events and ancient symbolism before Vilocorp unleashes a hellish fury upon the earth; one that hasn’t been seen for ages…

My Thoughts:
The concept is interesting with a mysterious and potentially dangerous substance that has been hidden and now everyone is trying to find.  I had a little trouble following at first. There are a lot of characters and the story jumps around quite a bit. As the story picks up, we end up traveling the world following clues to find the mysterious crystal. There is lots of action as Bryce ends up in the center of things, trying to make sure the crystal doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

My Rating: ****
Blood and gore.

My Source: author

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:

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