
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Authors: What's On Your Website?

'Books' photo (c) 2008, Chris - license:

You do have a website, don't you? Or a blog. Doesn't matter. I just need a way to find you and your books. When I go to your website or blog, there are a few things I am looking for.

* Who are you?
I like to know a bit about who wrote the books I read. Do you have an about me section? Tell me a little about the person behind the words.

* What have you written?
Show me your books! I want to see the cover, title, and blurb for each book.

*Where can I get it?
I want to know everywhere I can possibly buy your book. And I want links so all I have to do is click to take me to the page where I can get it. Make it easy for me.

*Where can I find you?
Are you online anywhere else? Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest? Can I get your Authorgraph? You don't have to be everywhere, but one or two would be nice. And I want links!

So there you have it. Just a few things I am looking for when I visit an author's blog or website. If this seems pretty basic, good for you! I have been to authors' sites that were missing one or more of these. And there are authors with no blog or website at all. So do you agree or disagree with my list? Something I'm missing? Let me know!

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