
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Author Interview: Maureen Driscoll

This week I am pleased to welcome Maureen Driscoll, who is an Emmy-nominated writer/producer in Hollywood. She is the author of a series of Regency romance novels about the Kellington family, the first book of which is Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid (review here). 

About Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid
Caught behind enemy lines at the Battle of Waterloo, nurse Jane Wetherby is forced to seek shelter with British operative Lord Edward Kellington. After a night of passion, the two are separated. With nothing but the alias Jane used to protect her family, Lord Edward is unable to find the woman he cannot forget.

Seven years later, Jane courts scandal by serving as the unofficial surgeon in the village of Marston Vale. When Edward arrives to formalize his betrothal to a viscount's daughter in accordance with his late father's wishes, Jane has no choice but to watch the match proceed. When a threat from the past emerges, Jane must join forces with Edward to safeguard her loved ones. But at what risk to her heart?

Q&A with Maureen Driscoll:
Describe your ideal writing space.  How does it compare to reality?
I love sitting outside in the shade in weather in the ‘80s, but can never quite get my laptop angled right so I can see the screen.  Also, when I’m outside in weather like that, I don’t feel like working.  The reality is my dining room table, which affords me too many opportunities to do other things – my apartment gets cleaned much more often when I’m on deadline and looking for diversions.  But, while I have a desk in my office, I just never ever work in there.  I don’t know why, but the dining room table is where it happens when it happens.

What is the first story you remember writing and what was it about?
I didn’t write that many stories growing up.  But my best friend and I “adapted” A CHRISTMAS CAROL for our school’s Christmas play in fourth grade.  It’s the only time I’ve successfully collaborated with anyone.  Plus, he got to play Scrooge and I was the Ghost of Christmas Past.

Name a memorable book from your childhood.  Why is it memorable?
I read a lot of biographies and non-fiction growing up.  I still do.  But I loved Sherlock Holmes, which made me especially happy when the BBC and CBS versions came along, not to mention the movies.  GONE WITH THE WIND was the first love story I fell for.  Rhett Butler:  yum.  And ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT was the first piece of serious literature that really affected me.

If you could ask any writer (living or dead) a question, who would it be and what would you ask?
I would ask J.K. Rowling how she managed to lay out that intricate plot so well from book one onward.  I’ve re-read those books so many times and am always amazed how she set things up in book one that had their pay-off at the very end of the series.

If you could pick any of the worlds or characters you have created, which would you want to visit or spent a day with?
I’ve only really created two worlds:  the Kellingtons in (more or less) Regency England and the modern world of DATING GEORGE CLOONEY.  DGC was heavily inspired by my own life both in Washington and Hollywood, so I wouldn’t really want to visit a place where I lived somewhat unhappily.  But, I also couldn’t take the lack of sanitation and modern dentistry of the 19th Century.  However, if it were only for a day, I’d spend it at Kellington Manor in the country, with all the Kellingtons and spouses.

What is one thing you like to do when you are not reading or writing? 
I watch a lot of TV.  Part of it is to keep up with my day job, which is working as a television writer.  Part is because we’re living in the Golden Age of Television.  Shows like BREAKING BAD, SONS OF ANARCHY, JUSTIFIED, MAD MEN, DOCTOR WHO, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and my latest love, COPPER, are tremendous.  I don’t waste a lot of time on bad TV, but I savor the great stuff.  I also act, so I go to a lot of acting workshops.  Trying to get an acting career is my version of a mid-life crisis.

What are you currently working on?
The sixth and possibly last Kellington book:  Inspector Stapleton’s book.  I have ideas for two more Kellington books, but I think I’ll take a break from them when I’m done with Stapleton.  I just don’t know what my next series will be.  Maybe contemporary?  Not sure. 

Get the book:

Where to find the author:
**Review of Never a Mistress, No Longer a Maid


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