
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Author Interview: Amy Patt

Today I would like to welcome Amy Patt, author of The Prima Ballerina, and The Cosmetician, Books 1 and 2 of The Bartlett Journals.

About The Prima Ballerina:
In Book 1 of The Bartlett Journals, a talented New York City principal dancer Kiki Thompsen is rising to the pinnacle of her career. But first, she must deal with issues from her past with the help of therapist Emma Bartlett. Can a control freak, known to her students and peers as the Ice Queen, learn to accept her faults and find love and success on the international stage?  Fiction/Romance/Teen/Young Adult/Social Issues

Q&A with Amy Patt

Describe your ideal writing space. How does it compare to reality?

I wish I could say that my ideal writing space has an ocean view and the sounds of the seagulls. However, in reality, all I need is a pillow to sit on and the computer. I never notice anything going on around me when I am concentrating. I used to ride horses and a few times by the time I got off the horse there would be three inches of snow on the ground and on top of my helmet and I would think, “Oh! It snowed?”

What is the first story you remember writing and what was it about?

I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil. Those were mostly Christmas lists consisting of: 1. Get up. 2. Eat brekfast. 3. Open presnts. When I was in junior high I went to an alternative learning school. We were in charge of our own schedules, and for English I would sit in the loft and write and publish my own books. I was also the illustrator and my favorite color was magenta. The books were usually about horses and I think quite a few times I was a princess so you can imagine how colorful these books were.

Name a memorable book from your childhood. Why is it memorable?

I think we can blame my grandmother for my love of writing. Looking to my left in my living room I can see the worn cover of the Grimms Fairy Tale book she used to read to me from every day. This was an incredibly special time for me. We would sit side by side in her rocking chair and she would read to me about princesses and frogs and dancing shoes in this soothing, playful voice, and she acted out every character. I thought she was the Fairy Queen.

If you could ask any writer (living or dead) a question, who would it be and what would you ask?

I would spend an entire afternoon with Jane Austen. I would certainly ask her to please tell me who was the inspiration for Mrs. Bennett.

If you could pick any of the worlds or characters you have created, which would you want to visit or spend a day with?

Being incredibly romantic, I would spend the day with Ethan. Don’t tell my husband. I am cheating on him because he is the inspiration for another character, Beau, in the first book. But then Ethan came to life in Book 2 and now I have a dilemma.

What is one thing you like to do when you are not reading or writing?

Exercise. When I am walking I can daydream about writing. I literally think about my characters every waking moment. I’ve done a lot of research on the subjects in my books, which are centered on cognitive behavioral therapy, so the characters develop based on their experiences, and change based on their time with Emma Bartlett, who is a very talented social worker and therapist. I have to be really thorough in my character building.

What are you currently working on?

How much time do we have? Well, I am about to start Book 3 The Actress. I have been thinking about this character for a long time now. Kate is introduced in Book 2 and everyone seems to love her. But she is exceptionally complex because she has suffered as a child. That is the worst. I want to be careful because my books are meant to be a combination of entertaining and training, with a heavy emphasis on entertaining. I have a lot of other books in the works, so keep checking back every three months.

iconAbout the Author:
Author Amy Patt is a native of New England, and resides there with her family. She is a twelve-year veteran of being an advocate for women and children as a board member for multiple agencies, charities and state programs. Utilizing this experience, her new series, The Bartlett Journals, focuses on strong female leads following the lives and adventures of the clients of Emma Bartlett, a social worker located in a fictional, coastal Connecticut town. With each new book in the series, Ms. Patt intertwines her love of literature, her passion for social issues, and life in New England. 

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