
Friday, March 15, 2013

Review: Last Lord of Paradise Generation 5 by Vivian LeMay

Last Lord of Paradise Generation 5: Conrad and Perrine by Vivian LeMay

He was surprised to see a last remaining farm on the outskirts of Paradis. Amid acres of corn bristling in the breeze, a mossy roof peaked above a screen of pines and willows. North of the farm, across the railroad track, slender oak trees rose from a strip of swampland that protected the town from the industry and railroads spreading out from Detroit.

Everything ended suddenly at Lilac Ridge. Up there nestled in the lilacs, a limestone mansion with a fine green lawn stood veiled in the morning mist, as if its inhabitants lived in a heaven all their own. His gaze dropped to the old man frowning at his job application. Mr. Gunther Fredriks lived on Lilac Ridge.

My Thoughts:
I have been loving this series of novellas. It is interesting to see how Paradis changes over the years, and to follow one family over generations. This book answers some questions I had from the last book, and there are some great characters. I still want more and I am wondering how the series will end.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !

My Source: author

Where to get it:

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