
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Review: Hero of My Heart by Megan Frampton

Hero of My Heart by Megan Frampton

When Mary Smith’s corrupt, debt-ridden brother drags her to a seedy pub to sell her virtue to the highest bidder, Alasdair Thornham leaps to the rescue. Of course the marquess is far from perfect husband material. Although he is exceedingly handsome, with a perfect, strong body, chiseled jaw, and piercing green eyes, Alasdair is also too fond of opium, preferring delirium to reality. Still, he has come to Mary’s aid, and now she intends to return the favor. She will show him that he is not evil, just troubled.

Mary was a damsel in need of a hero, but Alasdair’s plan is shortsighted. He never foresaw her desire to save him from himself. Alasdair is quite at home in his private torment, until this angel proves that a heart still beats in his broken soul. The devil may have kept her from hell, but will Mary’s good intentions lead them back to the brink—or to heaven in each other’s arms?

My Thoughts:
When Alasdair and Mary meet, both are at rock bottom. She is being sold in an auction, and he is addicted to opium. They want to save one another, though both feel unworthy of the other for the long term. They both have a lot of internal conflict. A touching story with lots of steam. Overall an enjoyable read.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

My Source: Netgalley

Publication: April 8, 2013

Where to get it:

About the author:
Megan Frampton's love affair with books began when her parents moved her to a remote town in New Hampshire where there was only one television station. And then the TV broke. She devoured every book of fiction in her well-read parents' library, finding special joy in Georgette Heyer and the fairy tales collected and translated by Andrew Lang. Megan majored in English literature at Barnard College and worked in teh music industry for fifteen years. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband (her former intern) and her son.

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