
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Review: Love's Justice by Rionna Morgan

Love's Justice by Rionna Morgan

Description: Sarah Johnson is a profiler in Portland, Oregon. She thinks she has successfully moved beyond the pain of her mother’s death fifteen years ago. However, when Justin Breslow shows up at her office claiming to be an investigative reporter from Dallas wanting to do a feature on her mother, Sarah realizes the pain has just been dormant. She agrees to work with Justin; she’s always wanted to retrace her mother’s final days, but she has no intention of sharing family secrets with a perfect stranger.

Sarah and Justin unravel a plot more complex and sinister than they expected. They pursue a trail of deceit and corruption to a women’s prison in Alabama, a centuries old hotel in Georgia and a family ranch in Texas. Nothing is simple or as it seems. Along the way, Sarah tries not to fall for Justin’s Southern charm, and Justin fights to resist Sarah’s beauty and sharp intellect.

This unlikely duo will find more than they ever hoped to—in the prison, in their own backyards, and in each other’s arms. Whether they survive to enjoy their discoveries is the final mystery.

My Thoughts:
This is one of those instant-attraction situations where there are plenty of reasons why they shouldn't get involved but they can't help it. Sarah is investigating, and in a way reliving, her mother's death and Justin is keeping secrets. The trick is to see if they can make it through all that together. The mystery is interesting and there are plenty of unexpected twists and lots of suspense. A good read with interesting characters.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

Some strong language.

My Source:
volunteered as National Reader's Choice Award judge

Where to get it:


Where to find the author:

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