
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Review: Finding Jordie by H.J. Harley

Finding Jordie by H.J. Harley

Jordie is a survivor, tough, and independent. She’s had to be, since her husband was killed in Iraq. For the last eight years, raising her daughter and owning a popular New York City bar has kept Jordie plenty busy, leaving her no time for much of anything else. Aside from her sassy yet squirrely best friend Rachel, Jordie’s social life is bare bones and her love life nonexistent. Truth be told she wouldn’t change a thing; she’s never been happier.

Then she meets Nathan, and he changes everything with one crooked smile, triggering a chain of life altering events for the two of them, filled with romance, chaos and deadly peril. Neither of them could ever imagine their relationship would resurrect an unknown darkness from Jordie’s past, lurking in the shadows, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Jordie has never needed to be stronger for all of them to make it out alive.

My Thoughts:
So good, it almost killed me. I was in love with this book from chapter one. Jordie is fun, tough, and sassy and I love her voice. She has an amazing friend in Rachel and they have an interesting relationship that involves a lot of good-natured swearing and name-calling. Emma, Jordie's daughter, is precocious and hilarious. Nathan...well, he is just dreamy. The love scenes fade to black but there is enough heat that you know how crazy they are about one another. They both have baggage, but work through it together. There were some heartfail moments, but I am happy to report that I survived. If you like romance, sassy heroines, swoon-worthy men, and a book that you can't stop reading, read this.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!
*Notes: Profanity and cigarette smoking.

My Source:

Publication: February 11, 2013

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:
HJ Harley

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