
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Review: Ghosts in the Blood by Andy Monk

Ghosts in the Blood (In The Absence of Light #2) by Andy Monk

Monsters live behind all manner of masks.

Dr Rothery and his friends are probably insane, but Caleb has agreed to help them in their search for the vampiric essence so he can stay close to the Doctor’s wild and intoxicating daughter. That is what he tries to tell himself anyway.

Could the vampiric essence free him from the grave and allow him to find love? Or is that just the ghost of Louis Defane living in his blood, whispering madness in his mind?

When Rothery and his colleagues capture a vampire alive, Caleb travels with them to Captain Lazziard’s remote manor house where there will be no prying eyes to watch them work. As they apply their curiosity to the creature they chain in the cellar, Caleb is increasingly unsure who the real monsters are.

When people begin to die Caleb must decide where his loyalties lie; but are his perceptions being manipulated by the ghost in his blood, his own selfish desires for immortality or the fact that the creature Rothery is experimenting on happens to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen…

My Thoughts:

If you have not read King of the Winter (In the Absence of Light #1) you should start there. You can see my review here. That is the book where we get to know who Caleb is and how he came to be that way. In this installment he has joined a band of vampire hunters. Oh, Caleb. I want to like him and hate him at the same time. He doesn't want to continue on the path he has set for himself, but he doesn't want that badly to change, either. He is a self-professed coward and quite comfortable with being a theif, liar, and user of women. He tells himself he wants to be a better man, but doesn't always follow through. All he really wants is love, but doesn't think he is capable of it, so he will grab whatever comes his way.

This is a dark tale about vampires and human nature. It doesn't shy away from the gritty realities of life. (It is quite graphic at times.) There is a slow build and all of the details serve to heighten the suspense and I was quite surprised by the ending. Can't wait for the next book to see how the series will end! I recommend for anyone who likes dark, psychological stories.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!!
Strong language, blood, violence, gore, and references to rape.

My Source:

Where to get it:
Amazon UK

Where to find the author:

Andy Monk

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