
Friday, January 18, 2013

Review: Cadaver Blues by J.E. Fishman

Cadaver Blues (Phuoc Goldberg Fiasco #1) by J.E. Fishman

When smoking-hot Mindy Eider walks into the office with a foreclosure notice directed to her elderly Uncle Gunnar, cynical debt man Phuoc Goldberg at first sees her as little more than the source of this month’s rent payment. But Phu soon learns that Uncle Gunnar’s problems run deeper and darker than the money he owes. The niece can’t find him, suspicious characters lurk everywhere, and a sleazy bank has alarming designs on the old man’s little house.

Beguiled by Mindy’s beauty and innocence—not to mention her breasts—Phu gets sucked further into playing detective with each passing unpaid hour, venturing from a small town near Wilmington, Delaware, to the snow-choked Pocono Mountains to dank mushroom farms closer to home. Before long he’s seeking much more than debt relief for Mindy’s wayward uncle. To everyone’s surprise, the debt man won’t end this fiasco looking for cash relief, but for cadavers.

My Thoughts:
I loved this book. I have always liked mysteries, but I could tell by the cover that this was not going to be a typical detective story. Phuoc Goldberg is quite a character and the story is told in first person. He is cynical and sarcastic and has a dry, witty sense of humor. I want to list some of my favorite lines, but I won't. I will say that I enjoy Phu's descriptions, especially of people, he is obsessed with hot dogs, and he has a temper. There are some other fantastic characters as well, along with a fast-paced story and a mystery that keeps you guessing. I also learned something about mushrooms. If you like mysteries and humor, definitely give this one a try. I can't wait for the next book.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!
*Notes: Drug use.

My Source: publicist

Where to get it: 

Where to find the author:
J.E. Fishman

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my post here

    Have a great day! :)

    Sadrina @ Books and their Wordly Realm


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