
Friday, December 21, 2012

Review: Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

Stone of Tears (Sword of Truth #2) by Terry Goodkind

An Epic of Awesome Power

Kahlan has at last gained the one goal she had always thought was beyond her grasp ... love. Against all odds, the ancient bonds of secret oaths, and the dark talents of men long dead, Richard has won her heart.

Amid sudden and disastrous events, Richard's life is called due to satisfy those treacherous oaths. To save his life, Kahlan must forsake Richard's love and cast him into the chains of slavery, knowing there could be no sin worse than such a betrayal.

Richard is determined to unlock the secrets bound in the magic of ancient oaths and to again be free. Kahlan, alone with the terrible truth of what she has done, must set about altering the course of a world thrown into war. But even that may be easier than ever winning back the heart of the only man she will ever love.

My Thoughts:
I am addicted to this series. This is the second book in the Sword of Truth series. There are so many interconnected stories and it is so unpredictable. I keep thinking, "Well, now what? How could he possibly get out of this?"
This one is a little more graphic than the first, gore-wise. Lots of violence, gore and references to rape. Some of the descriptions are lengthy and slow down the pace a bit, and this is a looong book. That said, I had to keep going because the plot is so complicated and twisty, and just an emotional roller-coaster. I have never read a hero who cries as much as Richard, but I guess he has plenty of cause. I can't wait to get started on the next book.
I have been listening to the audio versions of this series and this one was over 38 hours long, easily the longest I have ever listened to, but the narration is fantastic and easy to listen to. I would recommend this series to anyone who likes fantasy worlds and magic and can stomach all of the blood and gore.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!
*Notes: Violence, gore, references to rape.

My Source:

Where to get it:

Barnes & Noble

Where to find the author:


  1. I love Terry Goodkind's books as well! Such a great story! New follower, looking forward to reading more of your reviews : )


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