
Friday, November 2, 2012

Review: Falling in Love by Stephen Bradlee

Falling in Love by Stephen Bradlee

Sherry Johnson is young, beautiful, bright and athletic. She has everything going for her, except for one thing. She is addicted to love. Her life is a vicious circle of nightly trysts and morning regrets. Her addiction got her kicked out of college, cost her the love of her life and has left her in complete despair. But still Sherry keeps falling in love. And falling. And falling. Finally, as Sherry struggles to pull herself up from a bottomless abyss, she realizes that she will have to learn to love the one person she has loathed for most of her life. Herself.
Based on the True Story of a Young Woman's Battle with Sexual Addiction

My Thoughts:
I was addicted to this book. When I couldn't read it, I was thinking about it. Sherry knows that her behaviors are self-destructive, but she really can't help it. She wants to stop. Each time she tells herself it will be the last. She thinks maybe if she humiliates herself enough, it will prevent her from doing it again. It is heartbreaking. We are told what her actions are, but they are not really described, so it is not graphic. The focus is on how her actions affect her as opposed to the actions themselves. The story manages to be both sad and full of hope. I highly recommend, but keep the tissues handy.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!
*Notes: Some profanity and tough topics of abuse and addiction.

My Source: author

Where to get it:
Barnes & Noble

About the author: (from his website)
Stephen Bradlee is the pen name for a Hollywood film executive. He has ghostwritten celebrity autobiographies and has worked primarily as a script doctor.
He is married and lives with his wife, their daughter and their dog.

Where to find the author:

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