
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Review: The First Horseman by Clem Chambers

The First Horseman by Clem Chambers

Jim Evans, retired super-rich trader, only wants to do good. He wants to fund research that will save lives.

Professor Christopher Cardini has developed medical technology he says will change the world. Through cell therapy, he can even rejuvenate the dying. Yet there's something Jim will find even all his money can't buy: protection from a brilliant, but twisted, mind.

The First Horseman is the fourth book in Clem Chambers' acclaimed 'Jim Evans' thriller series.

It focuses on what might happen if we had the ability to turn the human body clock back..for if we were able to repair telomeres, the tiny proteins found at the end of every strand of human DNA - we could live much longer, perhaps even become immortal.

Yet when such a medicine would result in many more billions of people fighting to live amongst ruins of an ecologically exhausted planet, what would be the point?

Professor Cardini sees no point. He plans to deal with seething humanity in a way that will both shock and horrify.

Will he succeed in releasing his tiny, but deadly 'First Horseman' and thus wreak bloody havoc on the world?

Not if Jim Evans can help it.

My Thoughts:

This is a great, fast-paced thriller with some thought-provoking topics. The story deals with immortality and overpopulation and the lengths people will go to in order to achieve their goals. Jim is a great character. He has made a ton of money, mostly by accident, and is always trying to unload some of it without doing more harm than good. It is an interesting dilemma. I wish I had read the earlier books because some earlier events are referred to. Not that it is necessary, just sounded interesting. If you like thrillers, this series is worth checking out.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !
*Notes: Surprisingly not graphic, given the subject matter.
My Source: author

Where to get it:
Amazon UK

About the Author:
The author of non-fiction titles including Amazon best-selling investment guides 101 Ways to Pick Stock Market Winners and A Beginner’s Guide to Value Investing, Clem's first novelThe Armageddon Trade, was published in 2009. 

The financial thriller was the first to feature Jim Evans, a spookily talented tea-boy-turned-trader from the East End, whose gift for calling the markets is destined to make him super rich - and to bring a whole lot of trouble his way. 
Clem Chambers is a well-known character in the City of London.  He regularly appears on the major TV networks (BBC/CNBC/Fox/Al Jazeera) as a markets commentator and is the founder of global stocks and shares website

The First Horseman, published by No Exit Press is available for pre-order now.

Where to find the author:
Clem Chambers
First Horseman
No Exit author page

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