
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Review: American Goddesses by Gary R. Henry

American Goddesses by Gary R. Henry

When two small-town women find themselves with nearly unlimited powers of mind and body, their lives get complicated. Things turn nasty as a shadowy organization attempts to use Megan and Trish for their own evil ends, and destroy them, their town and the USA in the process.

My Thoughts: 
I bought this book after reading a review on a blog that made it sound really good, but I can't remember where I read it. The story sounded interesting. Two ordinary women participate in a psychological experiment and end up with super powers. (They can fly and walk through fire, among other things. How cool is that?) Having these powers affects their lives and their relationships. Then someone tries to use them for evil. The story is fast paced with plenty of action and moves right along. The main characters, Megan and Trish, were fantastic but there were some other great characters as well.  I loved this one.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!
*Notes: There is rape, but the story is not too graphic overall.

My Source: purchased

Where to get it:

About the Author: (from Amazon author page)

Grew up at the beach in Virginia. Discovered the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Rockies in college, where I studied journalism and theater. Honed my writing craft in the military as a "Navy Journalist." Taught journalism at the Defense Information School.
Discovered spelunking while stationed in Nashville, Tenn. Love the AP Stylebook. Retired from the Navy, live in Lawrence, Kansas with spouse Karen Ann and dogs Sophie Jones and Lambchop.
Write marketing copy and technical for a manufacturer of construction products. Enjoy running all day and night on trails in woods. Wrote my first novel a couple months after discovering Smashwords. Now living happily ever after.

Where to find the author:
Honest Indie Book Reviews

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