
Friday, September 28, 2012

Review: MORE by T.M. Franklin

MORE by T. M. Franklin

Ava Michaels used to think she was special.

As a child, she fantasized about having magical powers . . . making things happen. But Ava grew up and eventually accepted the fact that her childish dreams were just that, and maybe a normal life wasn't so bad after all.

Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass Physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core.

Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.

Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.

She's a little bit more.

My Thoughts:
This book caught my attention from the very beginning. I found myself tantalized by pieces of the puzzle, but not enough to put the picture together. Just enough to keep turning pages so I could find the rest of the pieces. There is lots of action and it moves quickly, but we are still able to get to know the characters. Their motivations and the romance make sense. This is a young adult book, but with none of the elements that sometimes turn me off of YA,  and is enjoyable for older readers as well. MORE is book one of a trilogy and I can't wait for more!

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !

Publication: October 4, 2012 
My source: Netgalley

Where to get it: 
The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
Barnes & Noble (soon)

Where to find the author:
T.M. Franklin - Check out for blog tour giveaways and an excerpt!

About the author (from her website):

T.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. Graduating with a B.A. in Communications specializing in broadcast journalism and production, she worked for nine years as a major market television news producer, and garnered two regional Emmy Awards, before she resigned to be a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer. After writing and unsuccessfully querying a novel that she now admits, “is not that great,” she decided to follow the advice of one of the agents who turned her down—write some more and get better at it. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days.

She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Mike, is mom to two boys, Justin and Ryan, and has an enormous black dog named Rocky who’s always lying nearby while she’s writing. Whether he’s soothed by the clicking of the computer keys or just waiting for someone to rub his belly is up for debate.

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