
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Review: Romance on the Bay by Leigh Morano

Romance on the Bay by Leigh Morano

My Description:
Audrianna is recovering from a recent divorce. She moved to Sausalito from San Fransisco and opened a bed and breakfast to give her something to keep herself busy, but it doesn't seem to be working. Then she gets her first guest. 

My Thoughts:
This novella is good for when you are in the mood for a romance but don't have a lot of time. You can feel Audrianna's sadness over the end of her marriage, and her internal conflict when she meets Paul. There are some steamy love scenes. The main conflict in the story is easily overcome, leading to a quick Happlily Ever After. The characters are not terribly well developed and there is not much back story, but I just needed a quick romance fix and this worked for me.

My Rating: ****
Steam Factor: !!!!

Where to get it:

About the author:
My passion is writing stories that unleash the power of romantic relationships. I focus on the characters feelings, thoughts and sensual sensations in contemporary life. I write for women who are looking for escape in the form of romance, great sexual experiences that are positive and beautiful, thoughtful gestures and hunky heros with a desire for adventure. I live aboard a floating home in Sausalito, California with my boyfriend and cat.

Where to find the author:
Amazon author page

Excerpt from Romance on the Bay:
Audrianna had moved to Sausalito, just across the bay from San Francisco, to regroup in a new city. She had purchased a rundown bed and breakfast to pour her mind and effort into. Of course, perhaps, she had chosen unwisely. Every time she swung the paintbrush across a wall, she would glance over, expecting him to be there, to laugh at her attempt. Each time he was not, she found herself spiraling into a game of what went wrong?

Once she had been in love, so madly and so deeply that if anyone had declared she had made a mistake, she would have laughed in their face. Until one day she realized, her mistake was in thinking that her husband Kevin felt the same way. Now she was certain that he had not. For if he had ever been in love the way she was, he would not have been able to offer his love to someone else. They had been drifting apart over the years, but she thought it was only because life had taken their attention from each other. His business was very successful and he always had to attend to it. She had gone back to school with the idea that she would like to reinvent herself as an interior decorator. Perhaps she had been too busy to notice that he was changing, or that he needed more from her than she was offering. In the end she had no choice in the matter. He announced that he was in love with another woman, and her whole world spun around like a tornado, and this was where it had dropped her. Thirty-three years old and walking alone on a beach in Sausalito.

As she approached the entrance of the bed and breakfast that belonged to her as of one week ago, she wondered if she would ever be able to see it as home. Its wood was seasoned by weather, and its charm was worn down by time. What it lacked in beauty, it made up for in character. That was what she told herself as she grasped the rail and climbed the steps that led to the back porch. As she leaned her weight on the railing, the rotted wood snapped, and she fell face first into the sand beside the steps.

She lay there for a moment, as if surrendering to the weight of the world pressing down on her back. When she sat up she spit sand from between her lips and tried to shake it out of her hair. She felt a familiar frustration well up from deep within her. This was not the life she had expected. She did not want to be alone. She wanted to be wrapped up in the arms of a lover, who cared as deeply and intensely for her, as she did for him. She had believed in romance since she was a young girl, marrying her dolls off to each other. She had been certain that true love was what life was meant for. Now she felt so lost. All of the books that she had read, encouraged her to feel free and liberated. Her friends had suggested that she see her divorce as a second chance to fall in love. To Audrianna, love was for eternity, not for eleven years. No one seemed to understand that. Her closest friend had even accused her of being too old fashioned and sappy.

“Audrianna,” She had insisted. “Love is nothing more than hormones and timing.”
She sighed as she looked up at the sky once more. A few stars were beginning to show themselves. She would never understand who anyone could look up at the stars, or across the ocean, or deep into the eyes of another person, and not believe that life was about more than chemical hormones and timing.
Audrianna closed her eyes and hoped that just a little bit of the stars magic would rub off on her. Perhaps her fairy tale had not had a happy ending, but maybe it was possible that it was not over yet.

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