
Monday, August 6, 2012

Review: Hashimoto Blues by Sarah Dupeyron

Hashimoto Blues by Sarah Dupeyron

Ellie Fox, quirky pilot, mechanical genius, and drug smuggler, never thinks ahead to the consequences of her actions. When her boyfriend, Max, asks her to “play a Game,” his term for one of his crazy criminal ideas, Ellie agrees and casts her die against a formidable opponent. Finding themselves on the hit list of a Japanese crime lord, Ellie and Max end up on the run for their lives from their disaster in Montreal. Will they live to regret playing such a dangerous game?

My Thoughts:
I was excited by the premise and was not disappointed. The heroine is a criminal and completely unapologetic about it, yet is completely likeable. She gets mixed up in a plan that goes wrong.There is some serious business, including some gruesome moments. Overall it manages to be a fun read. The story just pulls you right along. I loved it.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!
*Notes: Strong language, criminal activity, recreational drug use, violence.

Where to get it:

Where to find the author:
Sarah Dupeyron

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