
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Review: Three Wishes

Be careful what you wish for…

Ladden Sanderson is an antiques dealer in Sacramento, California with the ill fortune to have fallen in love with Jasmine Crowne, the governor’s girlfriend. But the most he has to offer the lovely interior designer is an antique rug for her latest job: redecorating her boyfriend’s bedroom in the governor’s mansion. He thinks he might have found a great rug at the auction he just left. While he’s cleaning a copper lamp that came in a lot with the rug, an earthquake erupts, reducing his store to shambles. A homeless man appears with outlandish stories of being a genie and granting Ladden three wishes. Ladden sends him on his way, but bizarre things begin to happen—things that don’t exactly endear him to Jasmine, or her powerful boyfriend!

The “genie” appears and disappears at the oddest times…and then there’s the rug Ladden bought that seems to move around on its own volition. By the time Ladden starts to think there could be something to this magic thing, he’s wished himself into a hole the size of the Grand Canyon! But he still has one wish left--should he wish for his own happiness, or Jasmine’s, even if her happiness means his heart will be broken? A riotous contemporary twist on a classic tale.

My Thoughts:
I received a copy from the author to read and review and I really enjoyed it. I have read other romances by Stepanie Bond as well as her Body Movers series. The only complaint I have about that series is that it is incomplete!

Three Wishes is a fun, light romance with a little magic thrown in. This is a modern Aladdin story, and I got a chuckle out of the characters' names. Jasmine Crowne and Laddin Sanderson have been working acquaintances for years, but Jasmine is already dating the governor, and she feels the need to be with someone rich and powerful. How can sweet, hard-working Laddin make her realize they belong together? With a little help from a genie and an unruly rug. Short and a quick read. If you like a sweet, light contemporary romance, this is a good one.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !!!!

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