
Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Crazy Reading Habits

I was just musing over my reading habits. I have three books going right now. One is an audio book. It is a contemporary YA called Son of the Mob by Gordon Korman. I chose it because I needed an audio book and it was one of the few available at the time. I am actually really enjoying it. I usually have an audio book going because it helps to motivate me to get things done around the house. You know, boring things like cleaning, folding laundry, dishes, even yard work.

Book number 2 is an ebook. It is a YA dystopian called Crossed by Ally Condie. I have been looking forward to reading it because it is the second in the Matched trilogy and the first was great. I am reading it on my iPod touch, as I do all ebooks, because it fits in my pocket and I can take it out at random moments.

Book number 3 is A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison. This is number 10 in the Rachel Morgan series and I am still loving them. I am reading the print version. This is nice when I can sit down for a stretch, like when the kids are in bed and I can relax. Maybe even with an adult beverage.

There you have it. I am currently reading three different books, in different genres and different formats. I am never without something to read.  If you want, you can be my friend on Goodreads and see more.

So that is a bit about me. Do you have any crazy reading habits?

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