
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't Read This

I mean it.  Really. Oh, you're reading this, aren't you. Ok. It's just that, the more people that read my blog, the more freaked out I get. I am not a writer, I just like to read books. Why have a blog in the first place, you ask?

Reason 1: I read a lot. I used to read in a bubble, picking up the next book as soon as I finished one. I might pass a book to my sister and say, "This was good, if you want to read it." But that was pretty much the extent of it. There are times that I have no idea what to read unless someone hands me a book and says, "This was good, if you want to read it." Or sometimes I will come across a review that sounds good. It is true that you can't judge a book by its cover and occasionally a book not what I expected. I figured that other readers could benefit from my experience.

Reason 2: I like books. Authors write books. Authors like reviews. So I decided I would do my best to write reviews. I put them on Amazon, Goodreads, and here. I keep telling myself to do BN as well, but I haven't done it yet. I put in my profile as a disclaimer that I was never good at book reports. It's true. One quarter in 5th grade my teacher gave me an F in Language Arts because of my lack of book reports. She did it to prove a point, I think. I had an A the next quarter. My point is that I love reading books, but I never know what to say about them. So if you are looking for a critical review or something profound, you won't find it here. I will say what I liked about it and leave it at that.

Basically I want to help other readers find books that they will like, as well as help support the authors that write the books that I love. If you find my musings helpful, let me know by leaving a comment! Then I won't get so freaked out that people are actually reading this stuff.


  1. Did you do book reports on flowers and butterflies?

    1. Ha! No, I just didn't do them. I would pick up my next book and ignore the book report. Of course, back then they were boring written reports. Now they let kids do book reports in all different ways. Hey, maybe I should draw pictures or do video reviews!

  2. What a great post, lol! I can relate to how you feel about writing your blog. And I like your style of reviewing too.

    I enjoy your blog very much, and look forward to seeing it show up in my inbox. Sorry I haven't left more comments. I tend to lurk too much, lol.

    1. Aw, thank you! I was just reading some good reviews and wondering why I bother. If one person finds this blog useful, then it is worth it!

      Don't worry about not commenting. I don't do much either, although I am trying to do more! I understand why authors like reviews so much. It is good to know that someone out there is getting something out of your words. :)

      Thanks for reading and for the comment!

  3. I loved this. And you know what? Some of my favorite reviews are by just great, read-for-fun readers. I don't ask large review companies to review my book. I don't pay to have my book listed on a website as if they've reviewed it. I just want readers like you to read it, hopefully love it, and then pass it to your sister, cousin, and aunt. In my family, we scrambled over who got the book from my aunt first. My cousins and me...there are five in all...are avid readers. When we get together, all we do is talk about books. What we've read, what we liked, what we didn't like. And that, my new friend, is the way it should be.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I'm not an author, so I really don't know what is helpful. I will keep plugging along and sharing books with others!


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