
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Review: Three Days in Seattle

Three Days in Seattle by Debra Burroughs

Three Days in Seattle is a delicious blend of romance and suspense. Kate McAllister is lured to Seattle by the news of her sister’s suspicious disappearance, not realizing that someone wants her dead. On the flight to Seattle she connects with a ruggedly-handsome man who offers to help her. Should she trust him, she wonders, or is this perfect stranger too good to be true?

Two detectives, one experienced and by-the-book, the other a bumbling rookie, are hot on the case, with the help of Kate’s new friend. Will these men be able to stop the vengeance-seeking madman before Kate and her sister wind up dead?

My Thoughts:
I received a free copy from the author to read and review and I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it.  I was sucked in from the first page, compelled to read on. The author gives you just enough infomation to make you want more. It keeps you reading until the very end, trying to put all of the pieces together. The romance is very sweet and balances out the suspense just right. The couple ends up fitting a lot of relationship into three days: meeting, becoming friends, meeting parents, a jealous ex-girlfriend, and more, all while trying to find out what happened to Kate's sister and protect Kate from the madman out for revenge. This is a great read if you are a fan of suspense and romance.

My Rating: *****
Steam Factor: !

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