
Friday, March 21, 2014

Poughkeepsie Enhanced Collector’s Edition App Tour

Welcome to the Poughkeepsie Enhanced Collector’s Edition App Tour! 

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia has been a cult hit bestseller since 2011. A homeless guy counting the smiles of a kind train commuter spiraled into a novel that was nominated by the Rockstars of Romance as one of the most romantic stories ever and won 2nd place!   It was a story that deserved getting a jumbo-sized enhancement. Extra scenes out the ying yang was, of course, a huge part of the fun. Getting to spend some of those previously undiscovered first moments with Blake and Livia or the moment he proposed was worth exploring. In Debra’s wildest dreams she imagined Poughkeepsie with its own soundtrack, anchored by her favorite musicians. When blockbuster talent Ron Pope signed on with fourteen songs and then Rustic Overtones agreed as well, she knew things were going to get crazy cool. 

After almost two full years of development, the Enhanced Poughkeepsie is ready.  Debra lost count of the hours spent, as did the developer poured into this. It was beast, and more amazing than she could have ever imagined. This app became the most exceptional reading experience Debra could devise for her readers. 

Check out what’s in store for you:


Immerse yourself in the world of Debra Anastasia’s Poughkeepsie.
Experience this bestselling novel for the first time…again as you break all the rules about books with Omnific Publishing and Debra Anastasia. In this enhanced version of the novel, you’ll enjoy insights from the author, music by Ron Pope and other artists to set the mood, and images and video that bring the scenes to life as you read. You’ll delve deeper into the world of Poughkeepsie through nearly 50,000 words of added scenes (more love, more drama, more romance!) and informative insights into how this marvelous story and its characters came to be.

Self-contained in this app (no wifi needed after downloading):
•complete novel Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia
•author/director’s pop-up commentary
•music by Ron Pope, Rustic Overtones, Monoxide G, Violet Winter, Bo Heart, and Jeff Epstein and the City Line Singers
•more than 100 images to enhance the story
•videos of your favorite characters in action
•special animation
•sound effects
•interviews with the characters, author, and more
•interactive games
•trailers for the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series
•how-to knitting instructions
•how-to instructions for making a paper rose
•recipe for the dinner Livia makes for Blake

5 stars and then some. This app is a reader's dream come true. Ever finish a book and feel sad because you have to leave the world and characters behind? Wish you knew what the author was thinking while writing the book? This app solves all of that. Music, character videos, sound effects, and so many other extras. One of my favorite features is the red lines that you can tap on for the author commentary. It's like having the author sitting next to you and adding comments while you're reading. So, so awesome. 

This is how you make an amazing book even better. If you loved Poughkeepsie, you will want this app. I rushed to buy the iPad app as soon as it was available, before I was offered a copy for review. Worth. Every. Penny. Reading it again brought back all of the feelings and tears of the first time, yet since I knew what would happen, I could slow down and savor it.  I can't recommend it enough.

This app will be available for all kinds of devices!

It is available now as Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPad
Website for Droid, iPhones, and Computers is coming soon! 

For more information. The website app (which is the same content as the iPad app) will be available this week. 

For this tour, there is one HUGE giveaway that you totally should treat yourself to entering. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Find Debra Online:

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